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About Dr. Fran Kelley 

Dr. Francesica Kelley is a two-time breast cancer survivor. She has seen God work over and over again in her life and in those around her.  She is married to the renown Bob Kelley they have five children, 24 grand’s, and 5 great grands.   Her evangelism efforts have taken her to do missions work in Jamaica and the Bahamas. Fran’s passion is to teach God’s Word and to walk it out in a way that will draw sinners to repentance. Dr. Kelley Has had a passion for young people all her life.  Because of her challenges of abuse in her early years she has vowed to invest in being an advocate for all youth.  Her desire is not only to see them have a personal relationship with God, but to be educated, intelligent strong positive productive members of society.  

She began with making that investment in 1998 after recovering from her first bout with breast cancer. She was convenience that God had given her another chance to walk in her purpose.   Mrs. Kelley states the “her mess is now her ministry.” She left school with and eighth grade education and got married. She later went back to school after the death of her second husband, obtained her GED, and Graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.   She has authored 5 books.  Her debut was a self-published  autobiography in 2008 entitled  “Free to be Me.”  Dr. Kelley’s motto is “I live to serve Him, my family and my community.” “That’s not what I do, that’s who I am, HIS SERVANT!”  Fran has been a Gospel Radio announcer for over 30 Years and is President Emeritus of the Arkansas Gospel Announcers Guild.   Dr. Kelley is a licensed ordained minister and active member of The St. Luke Baptist Church, Rev. Eric Alexander is pastor.

For information about Fran’s speaking ministry or to purchase this or other books, visit her 

Dr. Francesica Kelley
PO Box 6466 
Sherwood, AR 72124

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If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.

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For Info On Our Free To Be Me
Fundraising Campaign 

"It's Discipline not Desire that Determines our Destiny"

Positive People Promotions, Inc.
5502 Kennedy Cove Ste. D
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Ph: 501-412-9274  Fax 501-834-2022
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