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About Dr. Fran Kelley
 2024 PPP Conference
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Free To Be Me
Freedom Ain't Free
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Tutoring & Mentoring
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 Tutoring & Mentoring 

Tutoring is held in-person and / or virtually as needed by clicking on the following QR Code.  Summer Intensives are being provided as well as Financial tools  to leverage our youth.  For registrations, call LaFrancis at 501-416-0264 and Fran at 501-412-9274. 

Positive People prepares pals for participation in productive projects.  The statistics are grim; More than 1/3 of children are born outside of marriage.  34% of American children live a part from their biological fathers;

Since 1998, PPP, Inc has mentored and tutored at risk youth, ages 5-18, providing positive role models enhancing academic progress, encouraging positive goal setting (and achieving those goals) working toward the development of age appropriate social skills.  PPP also provides parenting skills workshops and information for the parents of our pals.  "It is our desire to assist our students in meeting their needs and letting them know that they have someone who will listen to their concerns," says Fran Kelley, CEO of PPP.

Mrs. Kelley and her team of volunteers work tirelessly to assure that curriculum activities and fun time is meaningful and on point for each child.

"Because the students needs are so great, what we have done is just a drop I the bucket"  Kelley continues, "But with God's help and the help of like-minded community members who truly care for and about at risk youth, we will continue to work with our "pals" to help make their outcome Positive".

Positive People/Pals At a Glance

2024 Programs

Club P.A.T.Y - (Please and Thank You)

A fun-filled and educational etiquette class focused on respect for others, sharing, table manners and polite conversation.

Give Me 10 -

Whether it's counting to 10, taking 10 minutes or 10 steps to Better, this class is designed to empower kids with techniques they can use when managing BIG emotions.

2024 GOALS

  • Set Goals for 24-25 School Year
  • Access each students academic and social needs
  • Target work to areas of students needs
  • Meet and exceed goals
  • Provide scholarships
  • Seek appropriate summer programs for "positive pal" participants (eg. Employment, camp, classes, etc..)
  • Assist Hight School children with college preparedness

Needs for Program

  • Volunteer tutors
  • Guest speakers
  • Email/Pen Pals for youth
  • Refreshments for weekly sessions
  • Door Prizes for 3 annual events
You will find the application for Tutoring or Mentoring services by copying and paste-ing this link into your browser.

If you have questions, or would like more information, please leave your name and contact information.

Click on Fran's New Custom Candle Below
For Info On Our Free To Be Me
Fundraising Campaign 

"It's Discipline not Desire that Determines our Destiny"

Positive People Promotions, Inc.
5502 Kennedy Cove Ste. D
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Ph: 501-412-9274  Fax 501-834-2022
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