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Kelley Enterprises and Positive People Promotions
These books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble Online and by emailing fran@positivepeoplepromotions.org
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Our Mission and Goals
Mission Statement:
Leadership develops from the inside out. Effective leaders employ intelligence, passion and integrity. It is our philosophy to handle every challenge with a Positive attitidue. While we believe that we can't control every situation, we can control the way in which we react to it.
Fran Kelley - CEO
Organizational Goals:
Provide jobs and job training
Increase income, business and ownership opportunities for low income and minority people
Encourage economic self sufficiency within the community
Provide tutoring and mentoring for students K-12.
Provide family training and parenting
Provide resources by contact and referral for community needs such as teen pregnancy, drug abuse, gang violence, spousal abuse and prison aftercare.
Fran Kelley, of Little Rock, Arkansas heads Positive People Promotions and has gained national recognition for her role in helping others to reach their goals, especially the underprivileged and minority groups who need to know that someone cares and is willing to stand by them, expand their vision, and help them reach their potential in life.
Fran reaches out to the community with a positive message through television and radio, through mentoring and tutoring programs, and by getting involved in classroom activities. She also reaches the business community through Kelley Enterprise, an advertising and promotional company who has helped many companies and ministries to promote events and campaigns to increase revenues. Click here to learn more about her services.
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For Info On Our Free To Be Me
Fundraising Campaign