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Established in 2007. Only GOD knew The Marriage of Jeremy & LaFrancis Phifer would experience challenges great and small, spiritually, emotionally, financially and even proportionally. II Peter 3:18 calls us to “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus christ. To him be the glory both now and eternity. Amen”. In 2014, after seven years of marriage, the Phifer’s were called to become Foster Parents. Their desire was to simply meet the need of hurting children and families. Little did they know, as they accepting the call to FOSTER children, God would orchestrate the journey of their union to include ministry, marriage, parenting, adulting for young adults, blended families and even grand-parenting.

**Through sharing life experiences lived out through grace, the Phifer’s witty, loving, inclusive method of sharing life with others is compelling and calls us all to GROW UP...

Flexible Utilization

It is our goal to offer our services free of charge to all. One of our wise advisors shared with us to “Trust that we have what others need and share it as though it will save and transform lives.” This is our prayer and mandate!

Why Choose Us

Education and Development

Both Jeremy & LaFrancis are:

*licensed and ordained ministers.

*Trained Foster Parents

*have over 70 combined years of educating children.

*Seventeen years of marriage.

*Biological Parents /Adoptive Family Home

**LaFrancis has been a licensed Foster Parent trainer since 2016

(this list is not all inclusive)

We serve in the Pulaski County, Arkansas area and are available for booking in and outside of Arkansas.

Contact Information

Prayer is always in order and we ask that you call our names out when you pray for any and every event we will host as we endeavor to carry out the mission of Growing Up Phifer. Spread the word - Share our information with others in your faith and friendship community. II Corinthians 13:1 says “By the mouth of two or three witnesses every word shall be established.” Our word is GROWING! Help us to establish that anything that has a beginning has to grow in order to complete the task it was given. Financial Assistance - Your seed offerings are certainly appreciated. In order that our mission to offer “US” free of charge, we need help. We are asking that you pray and ask God what your contributions to our efforts and the advancement of God’s Kingdom will be.

Our Cashapp is $ladyphifer. Our Zelle is: 501-416-0264.

Follow us on Facebook at Growing Up Phifer and visit our Youtube Channel- Growing Up Phifer.

For the quickest response, call us at 501-416-0264 or email:

"It's Discipline not Desire that Determines our Destiny"

Positive People Promotions, Inc.
5502 Kennedy Cove Ste. D
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Ph: 501-412-9274  Fax 501-834-2022
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