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Here are some findings from a survey called the State of Marriage:

65.38% of respondents said their marriage was better than average

86.56% said they would get married again if given the chance

85.26% said their partner never used anger to control them

65.02% said they had an orgasm 70% or more of the time during sex

56.73% said they got 6-7 hours of sleep or more per night

**According to a 2023 Daily Press article, about 14% of married couples are unhappy in their marriage. Other sources estimate that 7–15% of couples separate but don't divorce, and 7% stay together but are chronically unhappy

It is our desire to highlight God's true design for marriage. Join us for one of our major events as we seek to enrich, empower and ignite marriages thereby edifying the Kingdom of God.  

Register HERE!

"It's Discipline not Desire that Determines our Destiny"

Positive People Promotions, Inc.
5502 Kennedy Cove Ste. D
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Ph: 501-412-9274  Fax 501-834-2022
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