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Freedom Ain't Free Book 

Information Coming Soon


This book is for the millions of hurting men and women who are searching to find themselves, and to be free in their own “spirit.”   I can identify much better with the women, who have been, abused, molested, raped, and left feeling trapped in their hurt and shame.   However I can relate to the hurting men who have been abused not so much sexually, but by their employers when they were overlooked for job promotions, arrestedfor no reason.  Mistreated by a church member or family member, or trapped in a love triangle.   It’s my prayer that through my openness, and encouragement, in this book, that covers:

  1. A look at what it cost Jesus Chris to make it possible for all of us to be able to enjoy eternal life,
  2. What it cost for us to gain freedom from the bondage from a relationship, someone, or something, an addiction or a habit,
  3. And finally what it cost for us to enjoy what freedoms we do have today as Black People.  In each three cases it was a very big price that someone had to pay.  I will explore a look into each area to help us become more grateful for the freedom that we have today and encourage us to build on what we have and leave a legacy for those who come behind us.  
You will find the application for Tutoring or Mentoring services by copying and paste-ing this link into your browser.

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For Info On Our Free To Be Me
Fundraising Campaign 

"It's Discipline not Desire that Determines our Destiny"

Positive People Promotions, Inc.
5502 Kennedy Cove Ste. D
North Little Rock, AR 72117
Ph: 501-412-9274  Fax 501-834-2022
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